
Defence team’s allegations have been discredited

Dear Editor,

I write in response to the article “Nuon Chea’s lawyers to face the bar abroad”, published in the Post on July 2.

The author of this article mistakenly presents allegations made by members of the Nuon Chea defence team against Judge Silvia Cartwright as facts (“. . . she was caught by the team mouthing the words . . . ”).

I believe your readers should be made aware that the Trial Chamber, in its recent decision on misconduct by Nuon Chea defence counsel, described the incident as follows: “On May 2, 2012, Mr Ianuzzi falsely claimed to have read Judge Cartwright’s lips during the previous day’s trial proceedings.”

This follows an oral ruling by the President of the Chamber on May 2 in which the same allegations were rejected as groundless.

Lars Olsen
Legal Communications Officer
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

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