

ConsultingKampot province is located 143 km southwest of Phnom Penh. It can be reached by Nation Road No 3. Kampong is on the potential coast of Cambodia boasting many natural and cultural sites of interest to tourists, bout nation and international.

Kampot province is located the southern coastal region, Kampot is arguably the most beautiful province of Cambodia, offering beaches, deserted islands, wooded mountains, caves, a national park, waterfalls, and a picturesque colonial town of the same name. Pepper, salt, and durians are the main agricultural products although the nascent tourist industry is beginning to flourish, filling Kampot town with upscale restaurants and hotels.

Kampot province is eighty kilometres costal strip with the Gulf of Thailand. The provincial capital is named Kampot and sits near the base of the abundant green Elephant Mountains and the famous Bokor Hill Station. Compete to crowded Sihanouk ville in the North of the province you may find quietness and almost no tourists around here. Most visitors come here to have a look at the old French colonial architecture, which is one still in charming condition, to have a vantage point for visiting the near beaches or the small islands of Kep. Kampot province is also renowned for the quality of its fruits (durian, coconut, mango, etc.), its sea salt and of course the famous Kampot Pepper.

Bokor Hill Station

Is a mountain top collection of buildings (hotel, casino, church, royal residence, etc.), constructed by French authorities in the early 1920s as a compliment to the already popular Kep resort area. In the 1990s a travel author referred to Bokor as ‘the eeriest place in the world’, and it lives up to that reputation. In its time, Bokor was an elegant getaway for French officials and foreign visitors to old Indochina. But years of neglect have left ghostly ruins - vestiges of a different age, often shrouded in fog and clouds. One thing that the years have not changed is the absolutely spectacular view of the coast and the cool (sometimes-cold) mountain air. Wild elephants and other jungle animal are occasionally seen. Small guesthouse on top with $5 rooms, good toilets and very few other services. If you are going to stay on Bokor, take food as the guesthouse has little to offer. 37 km from Kampot. Take Route #3 west from Kampot to the well-marked turnoff. $5 entrance fee at the ranger station about a kilometer up the road. Badly broken pavement all the way up the mountain. Easiest in a 4WD. For experienced riders, it’s a moderate dirt bike ride. It is painful but possible on a small 100cc bike. Bring warm clothes.

Caves in Kampot

The caves of Phnom Ta’aun are part of a limestone formation. Narrow cave, chimney, passages with rock formations. A bit more interesting are the caves at Phnom Sia.

Kampong Trach

Kampong Trach is the district that borders Vietnam. The road trip from Kampot to the main town passes though some picturesque rural areas. There is a new side road to Kampong Trach town that skirts the base of Phnom Voar, (where the victims of the 1994 Khmer Rouge kidnappings were held.) These mountain areas of Kampong Trach were one of the last Khmer Rouge holdouts. Kampong Trach town is small and relatively uninteresting. The area's main attraction is a series of limestone caves and tubes that have been carved.into a nearby mountain. The roof of a large cave in the center of a mountain has collapsed, making a small, enclosed jungle. Pagodas and shrines have been built amongst the caves, providing for some excellent photo possibilities. Bring a flashlight and wear good walking shoes. From Kampot, take the Kep road, bear left at the White Horse Monument and follow to Kampong Trach. After a few kilometers the road changes to badly broken pavement. The side road mentioned above requires a left turn onto a graded dirt road about 7 km past the White Horse Monument. It is not a straightforward route and it may be better if you go with a guide. Set aside the better part of a day for the trip to the caves and back.

Kep Beach

A single, kilometer long crescent of sand near the tip of the Kep peninsula. Dining platforms and seafood vendors line the road behind the beach. Busy on weekends but often deserted during the week. The road through Kep traces the coastline to the beach and then circles back on itself. Cars and vans must pay admission to drive the loop (2500R5000R). Motorcycles and pedestrians are free. Be aware that the loop is a one-way street and the police do occasionally enforce the law, levy fines against violators.
Kep Thmey Classification Nature Wildlife and Preserves Location Kep Thmey Village, Beoungtouk Commune, Kampot District Accessibility 8 km (12mn) From Provincial Town

Phnom K'Chnor

Pre-Angkorian ruin set in a limestone cave amongst stalagmites and stalactites that are slowly growing into the ruin. Small 4th-5th century AD brick structure associate.

Rabbit Island

Island nearby Kep. White sand beaches and coconut trees. Relatively clear water. Snorkel around the rocks. No coral but lots of fish. Arrange a boat to through your guesthouse in Kampot or Kep.

Tekcchou Resort

A picnic area on the Prek Chha River. Popular with the locals, especially on weekends. Lots of food/drink stalls. The cool rapids and river breeze are quite pleasant. 8km. Good road.

Tekcchou Zoo

Asian-style mini zoo displaying a variety of local faunas. 8km north of Kampot.

Kep Thmey

Kep Thmey Classification Nature Wildlife and Preserves Location Kep Thmey Village, Beoungtouk Commune, Kampot District Accessibility 8 km (12mn) From

Phnom Chhnok

Phnom Chhnok Classification Nature Wildlife and Preserves Location Bos Trobek Village, Trorpeang Pring Commune, Kampot District Accessibility 9km (22m.

Phnom Daung

Phnom Daung Classification Nature Wildlife and Preserves Location Beoung Tapream Village, Treuy Koh Commune, Kampong Bay District Accessibility 7 km

Phnom Seda Orn

Phnom Seda Orn Classification Nature Wildlife and Preserves Location Ang Kor Village, Trorpeang Pring Commune, Kampot District

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