Rice and fish, together with array of herbs, sauces and spices, are the Khmer typical cuisine. Curries and soup with beef, pork, poultry and seafood can be bought from vendors along the streets. Cuisine from all over the world is also found in Cambodia with over 100 restaurants such as European, American, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese and many others so visitors will be able to have many choices here. Local cuisine So many dishes are available and if you are eating at a roadside cafe then you can even make up your own dish. Vegetarians may find a problem with local meals but there is no need to worry as many places have very good menu's with Vegetarians in mind. Here is a sample selection of local food:
Local beer There are many brands available in Cambodia but the most popular ones are: Angkor Beer, Anchor Beer, ABC Beer (Stout), Tiger Beer, and Hennigan Beer. |
Labels: Food
This entry was Posted by Stars and posted on Monday, September 7, 2009 at 2:08 PM and is filed under Food . You can follow any responses to this entry through the Comments Rss feed.
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